Mrs. Angela Iwobi Angela serves as an Assistant Director at the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) where she focuses on comprehensive, community-based initiatives to help promote a cleaner and healthier environment. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Bendel State University and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management from Rivers State University of Science and Technology. As Chief Operating Officer, Angela combines her experiences from her background to lead the implementation of Giving Back To Onitsha Community’s strategy in Nigeria, working hand in hand with distributors and other key partners to advance a community where no one is hungry. Angela oversees and facilitates synergy among Program, Supply Chain, and Research in her role. Angela and her team work to develop and implement changes in GB2OC’s operating model in support of our strategy and outcomes, together with the donors, distributors as well as new partners who complement our core capabilities Mrs. Angela Iwobi Advisory Board Member